BOOK REVIEW: Collected Writings on Scripture, D. A. Carson

For anyone wanting a deeper understanding of their approach to Scripture, this book provides it.  It is a wonderful collection of essays on biblical interpretation, development of teachings on Scripture, tools for approach to them, and articles from other authors concerning them.  Although written to those with familiarity of the history and background in ScripturalContinue reading “BOOK REVIEW: Collected Writings on Scripture, D. A. Carson”

“My Preferred Reading” – Have We Lost Sight of the Biblical Authors?

A few words caught my attention in Scot Mcknight’s recent blog: “My preferred reading.”  I have read that phrase a thousand times over in another phrase: “That’s your interpretation.” McKnight responds to an article by Paul Penley, “Bible Reading Destroys the Church.”  Hmm.  McKnight poses the question: “Does Personal Bible Reading Destroy the Church?”  PenleyContinue reading ““My Preferred Reading” – Have We Lost Sight of the Biblical Authors?”

Stray Cats, Wild Animals, and the Gospel

Some years ago, a cat started coming around in the back yard. He had no identification tags but appeared well groomed and domesticated, indicating that someone had him as a pet. I later learned that a neighbor abandoned him when moving. Yet, he seemed rather skittish and kept his distance. I began putting food downContinue reading “Stray Cats, Wild Animals, and the Gospel”