Reminders of the Cross

 Sunday morning, the minister talked about Jesus sharing about His second coming to His disciples from John 14-16.  A thought surfaced – “I have heard this before many times.”  Pride.  No sooner does the proclamation of the gospel happen that a temptation arises to attempt to blunt the message.  Temptations do not come from God. Continue reading “Reminders of the Cross”

NEW RELEASE: Nothing But the Gospel

Just released!  Can we be saved through the knowledge arising from the light of creation, through other religions, or through human philosophy?  Purchase at this link. This book addresses what is known as inclusivism, which adheres to the position that a person can indeed come to salvation through the knowledge of the light of creation. Continue reading “NEW RELEASE: Nothing But the Gospel”

By Faith We Understand…

The first example the writer of the the letter to the Hebrews gives is creation.  The author declares, By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:3). Creation is an obvious starting pointContinue reading “By Faith We Understand…”

Nothing but the Gospel: What is it?

When you hear the word gospel, what comes to mind?  It is a word somewhat alien to our postmodern world as so many other biblical terms.  Why is this?  We are 2,000 years removed from the writers of the Gospels found in the Bible.  We are also centuries removed from the origination of the wordContinue reading “Nothing but the Gospel: What is it?”

Nothing but the Gospel: Our Only Hope

Nothing but the gospel gives us hope.  Upon reading Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian church, that hope stands strong, because it resides in Jesus.  Here is what Paul writes, Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, ‘I believed and so I spoke,’ we also believe, and soContinue reading “Nothing but the Gospel: Our Only Hope”

Stray Cats, Wild Animals, and the Gospel

Some years ago, a cat started coming around in the back yard. He had no identification tags but appeared well groomed and domesticated, indicating that someone had him as a pet. I later learned that a neighbor abandoned him when moving. Yet, he seemed rather skittish and kept his distance. I began putting food downContinue reading “Stray Cats, Wild Animals, and the Gospel”