Harold Sings a Christmas Solo

Harold waited with intense anticipation just inside the gate. His time finally arrived. The others in the orchestra were flying high with passionate excitement. All of them had finely tuned instruments and practiced intently every moment they could for this very special day. Harold was part of the choir, and he had the enviable position of singing the solo. He practiced and practiced. Every morning his voice rang out in perfect pitch in such a melodious manner that those in the orchestra would gasp with pleasurable surprise and awe. All of them loved Harold because of his voice, and they could not wait to hear him at this special event.Angel

Mike had delivered several messages beforehand about this momentous occasion. He was one of the best sales persons the organization had. The big boss personally trained Mike in delivering the perfect pitch. Mike had a persuasive personality that simply left some wanting more and others finding what he had to say detestable. He was tall with an impeccable posture and confident smile. He stirred up a love hate relationship with many in the community, but because of the confidence the boss had in him, he remained unfazed.

On a couple occasions, he received such opposition that it just drained him. However, he held his ground that no one should miss the biggest symphony ever. On one occasion, he stayed in a town for an exhausting three weeks, going from one house to another informing the citizens that they had to be prepared to come.

His partner, Gabe, had similar responsibilities. The boss sent him to make arrangements with various family members. His job was not without troubles. He almost broke up a wedding placing the bridegroom in doubt about wanting to get married. He gave an extreme case of laryngitis to another family member so that all he could do was write on a tablet for several months. Gabe didn’t seem to be as persuasive as Mike. That’s the reason the boss sent him to family members rather than to strangers.

Both Mike and Gabe accomplished their jobs. Now it was Harold’s turn. All the orchestra finally arrived, and they were all ready to exit the gate together. All of them were so giddy that they wanted to shout. The boss had to calm them down, because he wanted Harold to do all the shouting while they accompanied him with their instruments.

Then the boss gave the nod, and all of them rushed out of the gate. The horns rang out first, giving out a haunting melodious sound that caught the entire audience off guard. Next came the trumpets accompanied by the bass and snare drums as though an army was about ready to attack. The harp and violins then presented a calming affect that led into Harold’s solo. All of a sudden, the entire orchestra ceased playing all instruments and with the choir shouted, “Hark Harold the angel sings!”

Harold thenmanger carries the orchestra in the grand finale, “Glory to the newborn King. Peace on earth and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled.”

Published by Holy God, Holy Living

In today's environment, many have redefined or even buried the meaning of holiness. It biblical meaning lies beneath a rubble of myth, mysticism, religion, various spiritualities, and feeling. One variation of holiness finds its way through mystery, the warrior monks of the Knights Templar, secret documents, secret societies, grand masters, and conspiracies in the guise of history caled Holy Blood, Holy Grail. On the opposite end, R. C. Sproul wrote the book Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God. It is an anthology with many authors writing on the dimensions of God's holiness. It is worth the money and time. I do not seek to duplicate what others wrote but rather to provide reflections from the Bible on the subject. Not only do I wish to focus on this subject but also desire to branch out into other areas dealing with contemporary issues that relate to living life that honors Jesus Christ.

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